
Can crypto live up to its hype? This group aims to examine the claims and promises of crypto critically and carefully.

Is blockchain a radical new innovation for a new, better, faster, more efficient financial system? Or is it rather a neat trick to solve a problem nobody really has, enabling cryptocurrencies that are slow and incredibly wasteful?

Is highly complicated smart new tech, or is it rediscovering basic financial fallacies and pitfalls from centuries past through “learning by doing”?

Does the technology have endless exciting use cases? Or is it better than existing technologies only in the circumvention of regulation: money laundering, drug trading, evasion of capital controls, ransomware, cyber trafficking, ponzi schemes, pump and dumps, rug pulls, scams?

Does it lead to greater financial inclusion and equality? Or does it make a few well connected fortune hunters and venture capitalists richer, while making most retail investors poorer?

Should it be used and promoted by individuals, firms, and regulatory bodies, or are there better uses for our time and money?

Join to find out more and discuss: WhatsApp Group


  • Provide a disinterested counterweight to the hype and lobbying emanating from crypto proponents by examining the technology and related claims carefully and critically.

  • Maintain a network of people interested in such critical investigations.

  • Disseminate the results thereof, and engage with the public, media, social media, and regulators where concerned.